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Inspect by hash 🔍

Blackboard Gradebook Organiser - Inspect gradebook & submissions by hash


With Inspect by hash you can inspect the submissions for identical files (by generating and comparing SHA256 hashes) and detect if any files have been submitted by multiple students. The tool has two variations:

Inspect gradebook: Before organising a gradebook - for identical files in the files submitted to Blackboard

Inspect submissions: After organising a gradebook - for identical files in the files extracted from any submitted compressed files


  • Generates SHA256 hashes for each submitted file, and outputs the list to a CSV file

    • Can exclude files from hashing, if provided with a CSV file listing the file names (only applicable for Inspect submissions)
  • Compares the generated hashes and finds any duplicates - ignores duplicates if they are by the same student/submission

  • Finds all files with the same hash and outputs the list to a CSV file with the following information:

    • Inspect gradebook: Student ID, file name, SHA256 hash

    • Inspect submissions: Student ID, file path, file name, SHA256 hash

  • File names and paths listed in the generated CSV files have hyperlinks to the actual files for a quick inspection of the file contents (or running the files, if executable)

Note: Further analysis needs to be done manually by inspecting and filtering the generated output, depending on the submission and its files.