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Using Inspect by hash 🔍

Inspect gradebook

If you haven't already, extract the downloaded from Blackboard gradebook in a new directory inside BB_gradebooks

  • e.g. for AssignmentX extract the gradebook in BB_gradebooks/AssignmentX

To inspect a gradeboook run and provide the name of the gradebook directory as an argument, e.g. for the gradebook AssignmentX run:

python AssignmentX

Note: run before organising a gradebook with (or extract, again, the downloaded gradebook, if you want to inspect it after organising its submissions)

Generated CSV files can be found in directory csv-inspect, with the inspected gradebook's name as file name prefix - e.g. inspecting gradebook AssignmentX will create 2 CSV files:

  • AssignmentX_gradebook_file_hashes_[datetime].csv - all files and their hashes

  • AssignmentX_gradebook_duplicate_[datetime].csv - files with duplicate hashes

Inspect submissions

To inspect submissions run and provide the name of the directory with the organised gradebook submissions as an argument.

  • e.g. for the organised gradebook AssignmentX (in BB_submissions/AssignmentX) run:
python AssignmentX

Note: run after organising a gradebook with

Generated CSV files can be found in directory csv-inspect, with the inspected submission's name as file name prefix - e.g. inspecting submissions for AssignmentX will create 2 CSV files:

  • AssignmentX_submissions_file_hashes_[datetime].csv - all files and their hashes

  • AssignmentX_submissions_duplicate_[datetime].csv - files with duplicate hashes

(Optional) In order to exclude submission files from hashing, create a CSV file in directory csv-inspect to provide the file names to be excluded - e.g. for AssignmentX create:

  • AssignmentX_excluded.csv with a column named exclude_filename and list the file names

Note: the directory csv-inspect is automatically created when you run or - if you want to exclude files before the first run, you need to create it manually.