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Requirements & Settings

Install requirements

Before running the script for the first time, install the required python packages:

Option 1 - Install py7z, rarfile

python -m pip install py7zr rarfile

Option 2 - Install all packages, including pandas which is used in Inspect by hash, using the requirements file

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: If running on Linux/Mac, you also need to have unrar installed in order to be able to extract .rar files (applies for both options 1 and 2)

  • sudo apt install unrar for Linux

  • brew install rar for Mac

(Optional) Edit settings

You can change the default settings by editing utils/ The main setting you might want to edit is IGNORE_DIRS - the list of names for directories, or files, to ignore when extracting from compressed files.

Ignored directories by default:

  • __MACOSX (macOS system generated files)

  • .git (git repo files)

  • node_modules (npm)

  • vendor (composer / laravel)