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Marking panel

The marking panel is created using the assignment's grading form, setting up the marking elements and the available pre-set feedback.

Marking panel example

This assignment is using the grading form CS100-CWK, which has 3 marking elements grouped in 2 sections.

Section code has the marking elements Code A (max mark: 25) and Code B (max mark: 25), and section report has the marking element Report (max mark: 50).

Marking panel - full

Marking element box

Let's have a closer look at a single marking element's box, and how it can be used - in this case, marking element Report from above.

Marking panel - element box

This has already some feedback and a mark given, using the attached feedback set from the grading form.

The darker grey text box contains the extra information / marking guidelines for the marking element, as provided when creating the grading form.

The 3 icons / buttons - as pointed below - can be used to toggle the visibility of the:

  1. extra information / marking guidelines text box

  2. feedback dropdown menu

  3. marking notes text input

Marking panel - element box icons

And below you can see how it looks with all 3 areas collapsed/hidden (left) vs expanded/visible (right).

Marking panel - element box icons

Tip: You can also use the smaller icons / buttons on the left of each of the 3 areas to hide them.


This is the feedback given to the student for this marking element. You can use the attached feedback set to select one (or more) from the pre-set texts, and you can also enter more text or make changes.

Marking panel - element feedback input

To use the attached feedback, click on the dropdown menu and select the feedback item you want - this appends the text to the Feedback textarea (and sets the mark to the associated mark - if there is one, otherwise it leaves the mark unchanged).

Marking panel - element feedback

You can use multiple feedback items, the text from each will be appended but the mark will be updated each time according (will not be added).


This is the mark for this marking element. You can enter a mark manually, or set it automatically from the feedback you've given.

As mentioned above, if you use an available feedback the mark will be updated accordingly and will be set to the new value - it will not be incremented.

Marking panel - element mark input

Tip: If you press enter while the mark input is selected (the cursor is in the input box), the marking element will be hidden / cleared from the marking panel.

So, you can do this if you've marked the marking element and want to clear space inside the panel. If you change your mind and want to make it re-appear, refresh the page.

Marking notes

This is where you can make (private) notes about this marking element. It could be something you want to remember about it, or notify the lead tutor if you are part of a marking team, for example. These notes are not to be shared with the student - they are exported in a separate sheet when you export the marks with the feedback.

Marking panel - element notes


All changes in the marking panel - feedback text, mark, and marking notes - are automatically saved (with 1 second delay).

Changes are also saved when you press enter after entering a mark (see Tip in section Mark above).