Feedback set example: CS100-CWK-Report
This is an example feedback set, named CS100-CWK-Report. It has 6 feedback items, each with text and an assigned mark.
It is created in order to be used with - as you can guess from its name - the grading form CS100-CWK and its marking element Report (but it can be re-used by multiple grading forms and/or marking elements).
Full page
Below you can see the full page of the sample feedback set CS100-CWK-Report.
Feedback items
At the top section, you can see the feedback set's items, with their text and mark.
In this case, there are 6 items all under the group named main (default group). For each text, you can see the marks that will be automatically awarded for the marking element when selecting the text. e.g., when selecting the text "Good report.", it will be added as feedback and a mark of 30 will be awarded.
Re-order items
Here you can change the order of the feedback items after creating them. This allows you to create the feedback items in any order and then order them to your preference. You can change the order of groups and/or individual feedback items inside each group.
Additional information
Here you can see the marking elements (and the grading form) using this feedback set.
How it looks
This is how the feedback set for the marking element Report looks inside the marking panel when marking (after clicking on the dropdown menu).
And after selecting an item ("Good report." in this case), the feedback and the mark are updated.